We spent last weekend in Chicago with two of our dearest friends, Kevin & Val. Brian and I missed their wedding in September because I was on bed rest, so we used our leftover plane tickets to go see them in their new home in Chicago. It was WONDERFUL! It was SO good for us to see them (they are the kind of friends that are just good for my soul!). And, Sam was absolutely wonderful . . . on the plane, during the trip, the WHOLE time. K & V couldn't believe what a chill little baby she was :o) We spent time touring Chicago, and she just rode along in her stroller. We also just hung out at Kevin and Val's house, had great dinners in and great dinners, lunches, and brunches out. . . and through it all, the bean was an absolute delight. We got to have a game night with K & V's Chicago friends (very fun), which was a blast! We really are VERY lucky. We also met a lady (working in a little baby boutique we visited in K & V's neighborhood) that has a two and a half year old little girl who had to have PT for low muscle tone/gross motor delay and is now ABSOLUTELY fine. It was eerie how similar her story was to what WE have been going through . . . she could totally relate to all of my mama emotions, and we ended up having a GREAT conversation. The whole weekend was just good for me and for us. We hope to make time with K & V a memorial day weekend tradition . . . they are special friends, and its important for me to have them in my bean's life!
In other news . . . WE HIRED A NANNY and I let daycare know that this will be Sam's last week. Our nanny, Alma, will be starting on Monday. We are super excited. She's young and active and already excited to spend one-on-one time with our little bean. She's really sort of introverted and quiet -- but we saw her interact with Sam, and she's GREAT. Her references described her as "intellectually curious," having a "quiet confidence" and a really just ADORED her. One parent ascribed to a parenting philosophy that Alma had never heard of (RIE) so Alma went and got books and read about it, and went to a seminar so that she could put those theories into practice in caring for their child. I think that speaks VOLUMES about her, and indicates that she'll really listen to the physical therapist and do all she can to work with Sam . . . exactly what we need and what Sam wants!
It was sad to tell the daycare, but I know this is for the best, and they understand our reasons as well . . . now we just need the regional center to get going so that we can get Sam in for PT 2 x per week as ordered (right now, we've been paying and only able to do 1 x per week).
Things are going well for us (finally, a sigh of relief), and I feel like maybe just maybe, we can return to some sort of normalcy . . . just a different normal than we anticipated . . . but life keeps us on our toes!
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