I made it!!! I'm officially 37 weeks, or "full-term" today!! It feels really, really good. Now, Baby Mia can come at anytime . . . so we wait. With excitement, nervousness, and anticipation.
To celebrate, I've planned a little surprise get-away for me, B, and Sammie B (not far! I don't want to be more than a 30 minute drive from the hospital, just in case). But, we had to cancel our summer vacay back when I got put on bed rest, so this is sort of our re-do. And, we'll be celebrating the last weekend before Sammie B starts her new preschool on Monday, which she's really excited about! :o)
There have been so many ups and downs in this pregnancy, and its brought up so much emotion for me. Lots of talk about Sam's birth and my pregnancy with her. It's been . . . well, heavy. Now that I'm here - full-term - I'm a little sad that I really haven't enjoyed much of this pregnancy, but no looking back. We have made it. And, we'll get a baby as our prize.
I saw both my OB and high-risk OB yesterday. The high-risk OB did an ultrasound and estimated baby's weight at 6 lbs 5 oz. She also said that baby has NOT dropped, so the "any day now" thing may not be so accurate. It's anyone's guess when the baby will come. Meanwhile, I'll continue to suffer (with gratitude for a full-term pregnancy, but not without OCASSIONAL complaining) with insomnia, restless legs, shortness of breath, and the most awful heartburn ever. (Yes, this was my list of questions for my doctors yesterday, and they both said, "yep, that's third trimester pregnancy!"). So, here we are. Waiting (but not sleeping!). In eager anticipation, and utter and total relief. Full-term.
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