In 2008 and 2009, we celebrated many of your "firsts" -- your first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Birthday, etc. And now, the "seconds" have already begun -- we've had your second Thanksgiving and Christmas already and tonight marks the second time that we've rung in a NEW YEAR with you. And, what a year it's been! I think back to last year at New Years, when you were just a tiny little bean in our arms (sleeping soundly through everything):
Mama and Dada were just a mere three months into this parenting journey, just fumbling along as new parents, enjoying EVERY second of it (of course) but still, we had no idea what was in store for us. We were still getting to know our Bean. In many ways, we are still those new parents, fumbling along . . . trying to figure out how to be the very best parents we can be to you, but at the same time, we now KNOW you. We know what your cries mean, we know what makes you laugh, we know you. We aren't just a couple of new parents and their baby . . . we are a family. It's incredible.
As we sat holding you last New Years, we had no idea what 2009 would bring. We didn't know we'd start early intervention services with you, that you'd have eye surgery, or that you'd be our lovely lady in lavender glasses! What a year! While I wish things were easier for you (and for us) I cannot imagine a happier little girl than you! Your giggles have gone from sporadic baby laughs to real little girl giggles, and there is nothing on earth that we love more. You are our favorite thing. In your short 15 months on earth, you've enriched our lives in such deep and meaningful ways. You are our hearts!
So, while I am hopeful that 2010 brings less struggle, I hesitate to say that I hope it also brings more laughter & love (because I'm not even sure that's possible) but I'll say it anyway. We will love you endlessly, and will laugh with you forever my girl! May 2010 bring so many wonderful things to you and to us. You've taken over our hearts (and our bed, but that's for another letter ;o)), shaken our world and turned it upside down. We can't imagine our lives without you.
Tomorrow, we will celebrate the first day of the new year (new decade!) in a traditional southern way -- with black-eyed peas and collard greens and all the things that your southern ancestors insisted bring good luck in the new year . . . I don't always do it, but this year, I'm not taking any chances!
In 2010 and beyond, we can't wait to celebrate the continued "firsts," as well as all of your seconds, thirds, fourths, and so on with you. You just started "dancing" with us in the last few days, and we can't wait to dance through a whole new year, new DECADE, with you! We adore you. Here's to you in 2010 my Bean! May 2010 be the Year of the Bean! The Year of YOU!
Your ever lovin' Mama
*And a note about the pictures . . . let's all rejoice that Sammie B's hair has filled in some . . . and that Mama's not quite so "filled in" with post-babe weight this New Years!
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