If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this picture post is ALMOST the word equivalent of that last post I think!
These smiles? These are the moments that matter. The moments that define my girl, and our family. I'm so lucky to be her mama.
The many faces of . . .
Whenever she sees a camera, she flashes a big, cheesy grin (I'm not always fast enough to catch it though, and she doesn't quite get the whole "shutter speed" concept yet) UNLESS I tell her it is a picture for dada. Then, you get funny faces. She loves to make funny faces for her dada. (The three above were from a day when he was working late and we took a few over dinner to send to him.).
Because her dada is a sucker and can't go to the mall without letting her choose a new "Ah-nee-mal" from the Disney Store:
Perfection: (Weekend naps are always in mama's bed!)
Teamwork. Pushing her bear (and bee, who is squashed UNDER the bear) in her stroller with a little help from her dada:
An outfit of her choosing. This girl is pure sass.
A rare occasion where mama has her contacts in, hair blow-dried, and make-up on. Photo-worthy indeed:
Waiting patiently for her swim lesson:
A little at-home PT in the evening:
Riding her trike in PT all.by.herself (via some groovy hand pedals)!
And more funny faces from sweet Sammie B
A few other recent Sammie B magic moments that I'm so, so grateful for:
- The other night, she was sitting on my bed and suddenly started singing oh-so-quietly, I listend for a second and realized Sammie B was singing her ABCs. She realized I'd noticed and was listening, and she got embarassed and stopped. After a little bit, she started up again, and I ignored her, and she sang the whole song!!! She's known her ABC's for awhile (she'd fill in the letters if we were singing and stopped at a letter) but this was her first time singing them on her own.
- She's now regulularly saying "Oh my God! What are you doing?" which she learned from her nanny. It's kind of the funniest.
- Her other favorite song is "Tomorrow Tomorrow" from Annie and I have a voice note on my phone of her singing it and I can't get enough of it. Cutest thing ever. I will eventually figure out how to post that here!
- Annie is her movie of choice, every time.
- She's officially addicted to ice cream. She requests "ice keem" every.time.we.leave.the.house or drive by any establishment where she's ever had ice cream. ever. She's her father's daughter, that's for sure.
-This next one is a little embarassing, but too stinking funny and cute not to share. The other night, B was watching TV while Sammie B and I played in the floor. She looked over at the TV and said "Obama." I looked over and it was just an e-harmony commercial with an African American guy on it. B was like, "um, did she just say Obama?" Um, yeah . . .
She's magic. For sure.
hahahah at the Obama thing.
Magical otherwise
totally dying laughing at the obama comment. all of it is awesome but that is too much.
she is too cute!! Love the hand bike!
I love those stories. She's awesome and precious and those pictures are oh so yummy. She is really beautiful and she truly looks exactly like her mom.
-D (mommy to S)
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