The last few weeks have weighed on my heart heavily. As I think I mentioned before, the way the Regional Center does things is that Sam's services (her IFSP) are re-reviewed every six months, after ANOTHER evaluation, which also happen every six months. And, at least once a year (;o)) that evaluation/re-review of services falls at her birthday. I hate that. Like come on people, LET ME CELEBRATE MY CHILD'S F'IN BIRTHDAY. DON'T STAIN THIS WITH YOUR STUPID EVALUATIONS. Blech. Plus, many of our "check-ins" with Sam's doctors ALSO fall around her birthday. So it stinks. I don't want her birthday to be weighted with worry. It shouldn't be. It's NOT FAIR.
So, I decided to deal with this by (1) celebrating her birthday BIG by a family trip to San Diego and Sea World (which was MAGICAL and wonderful and fabulous and all that we needed and more) and (2) NOT even letting myself THINK about any of the other icky stuff - the evaluations, the service review, the check-ups until AFTER HER DAY had passed. But what that meant was -- fablulous birthday weekend then boom. . . the next three weeks or so were spent:
- Checking in with doctors
- Another developmental assessment
- Touring multiple center-based programs multiple times because we knew we wanted her in one
- Asking at her service review for approval for a center-based program
- Waiting on approval
- Not getting approval
- Advocating for approval (fighting, gathering letters from doctors, therapists, etc.)
- Finally finally getting said approval and celebrating
So, a whole lot of shit to deal with on top of trying to just be mom & wife, trying to enjoy my magical little bug and our magical little family, and trying not to suck ass at work. I just felt like I was failing at all of these.
I think I just sort of fell into a really angry place. Like I'd read blogs from some of my (usually) favorite mommy-lawyer bloggers who discussed how much they loved being a working mom, and how the "balance" was working for them, how work fulfilled them, etc., and I wanted to throw something through the computer screen at them and tell them to just try "balance" and "fulfillment" with 7 or 8 therapy appointments a week, constant advocacy at work AND on the family front, etc.
I JUST WANTED SOMETHING TO BE EASIER. So, I was angry. And sad. Sad that its not easier. Sad that I feel this constant pressure to "work" with my daughter. My sweet two-year-old bean. Sad that things aren't coming easier to her (even though as I routinely say, she doesn't know she's struggling . . . she's a happy little girl). And, well, I just NEEDED good news. The news of finally getting approval for the center-based program really was JUST the news I needed, so thank goodness for that.
Amidst our check-ins with our other doctors (her pediatrician + the neuro-ophthamologist), we also had an appointment with a new specialist -- a physiatrist. The main reason I wanted to see one is because our PT (who IS good at what she does but so so opinionated) is completely and totally opposed to using any kind of medical walker or gait trainer for Sam. She said, "I only use them when I think a kid has no potential to walk independently." BUT, the PTs at the center-based program Sam will be going to feel differently (they don't take the hard line approaches to many things our PT does, which has always been something we've disliked about her -- nothing in life is that black & white) . . . they think once a kid is two and NOT walking, they start to lose out on opportunities for cognitive development if they aren't given the opportunity to walk using some assistive device, to be at the same eye level as their peers, etc.
So, to the physiatrist we went because I wanted his opinion on gait trainers/walkers. I asked him if he thought Sam would ever walk. He said he didn't have a crystal ball, but that all signs pointed to "probably yes." Well, of course, in my glass-half-empty/prepare-for-the-worst state, I focused on the "probably" and heard "maybe, maybe not," ignoring the "yes" part. He said amongst physiatrists, the general rule of thumb is that if a kid can sit independently by age 3 (which Sam is doing, since age 1) that they have the potential to walk. He also was impressed by how little assistance Sam now needs to go from lying to sitting, something we've really been working hard at. He said that because Sam's trunkal tone is (in his opinion) still her greatest impediment to independent walking, he really thinks she's going to need a walker/gait trainer to get her started. He said that doesn't mean she'll need it forever or 100% of the time, but that he thinks we should check in in a couple months, and then think about getting one for her. Well, per my usual, that sort of sent me reeling for a few days . . . into that familiar place of worry, fear, panic, sadness, etc.. Wishing I could change things. Wishing I could switch bodies with her. Because really, I'd cut off my leg in a heartbeat to make mobility easier for her.
But as it sunk in and as I researched and researched as I do, I came (again, my usual) to a place of peace. I mean really . . . if she needs a little something extra . . . so what!! He still believes she WILL walk . . . and if there's any little girl that can ROCK a walker, its our little one. So, anyway, her center-based program will have some for us to try out and for her to use during her time there, we'll check back in with the physiatrist in a few months (after the JH appointment) and maybe you'll soon see our sweet Bean rocking a purple (OF COURSE) walker. After letting it all sink in, and getting past the initial sting of her "needing something to help her walk," just thinking about her walking around, purple walker in tow, made me smile. So, here I am . . . coming BACK to my place of peace and acceptance. Funny thing is that B didn't really know what I was talking about with all my talk about walkers vs. gait trainers (he spends way less time on google than I do), so I sent him some pictures, and he came home and said the EXACT thing I'd realized during the day -- "I can just see her with a walker, and she'll be so cute." So, if necessary, our rock star WILL ROCK a walker. And as one of my saint of a friends reminded me, I will NOT let the assistive devices scare me -- they are no more permanent than a high chair or a jumper in the door way. They are just "for now." And if they help our sweet girl along the way - along HER way, then THAT is all that matters.
In the midst of all of this, as I usually do when I find myself pre-occupied with the worry and wonder and panic side of things, I sort of fall into this groove where I roll out of bed in the mornings, don't bother putting on nice clothes but just throw on the first "business casual" thing I see and roll into work with wet hair and do just enough to squeek by all day, in between moments of google panic. It's not healthy. That sort of funk permeates my day and its a vicious cycle of drowned-rat looking hair AND a poor attitude. I know that. But it happens.
But after getting word of the approval for the center-based program and AFTER doing my own research on walkers/gait trainers and sort of coming BACK to my place of peace, I'm finally finally feeling like maybe I CAN get back to my groove in LIFE. You know, like blow-dry my hair, bill some hours, and feel GOOD about myself as a lawyer, mom, wife, friend, person, etc. So, I'm losing the 5-year-old-esque "It's NOT FAIR" and trying to get back to the business of living.
I honestly think that as a working mother, particularly a working mother with a SN child, I'm always going to feel like when I'm kicking butt in one area, the other is suffering. And somehow, I just have to learn to hang in that limbo without beating myself up about it. I'll keep trying.
And, even though sometimes I feel like I just DO NOT have it in me to do any more advocacy, to read another evaluation or to see another doctor, I will. I'll always have it in me. Because I'm determined to be the mama to Sammie B that she needs me to be. And I love being her mama. So, there. Done. Done with all the anger/negativity/panic etc. (though its normal that it creeps in from time to time) and on to working on "getting my groove" back. To getting back to that place I was as a lawyer just after trial this summer, and to taking in every magical second I do get with my sweet Bean. My magical little Bean that melts me on a daily basis.
My heart rises and falls with this little girl. And, that's okay. She's so so worth it.
this was a fantastic post! i love the analogy between a walker and a high chair. just "for now". go sammie b go! great job getting the reg center to approve the center based program. we had the option to do that thru EI for Avery and we declined b/c we werent "there" yet with accepting that she needed it. but i wish we had. you are so far ahead of the game. i think you are doing a wonderful job!
First of all, I think balance is BS, even without 7 appointments a week (I'm still on sabbatical and imagining that makes my head spin). When I think of the commutes I put my daughter through, the times she and my husband were hanging around the office while I finished up depositions - it makes me cringe inside.
You have your priorities straight - and your little girl is rocking it, because of the work you're doing for her. And you're working. And you're billing. And you're managing the logistics of the appointments and evals and arguing for therapies. You sound like superwoman to me, and who cares if you blow dry your hair? ;)
Thank you both. And EH - thank you for not thinking I'm just being a holier-than-thou *itch with what I said about wanting to hit the other mama/lawyer bloggers. I can't help it. Sometimes I just read the BS about "balance" and wonder if they are leaving something out. Like not telling the whole story. And if there's anything that's just "me," its that I tell it all . . . the good, the bad, the ugly, the "blow-dry" days and the sopping wet, look-like-a-drowned-rat kind of days. Thank you.
I am been reading your blog for a while and love it by the way!!
My "B" has hypotonia and vision issuesand uses a gait trainer and this was the best decision we have made other then ofcourse LOTS of therapy..Her little face lights up on a trip to the grocery store..she cruises around in her gait trainer so pround she can explore!! we have a gait trainer made by snug seat..the size is a bronco 0..She used it for about 3 months and then our PT recommended we remove the seat..This made it so difficult but she is gaining strenhth daily and doing wonderful..I also think it is very important developmental!!
I think you are doing an Awesome Job by the way..
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