Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanks, Giggles, and Optimism

Two years ago, B and I were a couple of DINKS (dual-income-no-kids). We were TWO. We went to Northern California to spend Tgiving with his aunt, uncle, and cousins, and on the way home, we had "THE TALK" about when we would have kids. We figured it would take awhile, he wanted sooner, I wanted later, but we agreed sometime that following spring. If you'd told me then that this Thanksgiving, two years later, we'd be back in Northern California celebrating with the same people WITH OUR ONE-YEAR-OLD daughter, I would have laughed. Yet, it all feels SO perfect, and so right. Then, we were a couple. Now, we are a family. And, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, that is the thing that I am absolutely so thankful for. That we are now THREE.

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving with fabulous people who are just good for our souls, and a fabulous few days in Nor-Cal. We drove back last night so that B could do his marathon training run this morning, and so that we'd have the weekend at home before gearing up for another week.

Sammie B has been FULL of laughs lately. She's clapping, sticking out her tongue, picking her nose (oh yes, I said it . . . found her nose on Wednesday and has been digging it ever since . . . including causing one bloody nose in the car), and just generally providing us with ENDLESS giggles.

This morning, for instance, we were doing dishes and fixing breakfast, with her in her high chair playing with a bowl, and we turned around to see this:

And tonight, we went shopping and Brian showed her this toy chain saw. Her face says it all:

Seriously, she keeps us giggling (and reaching for our blackberry cameras) non-stop. So, this year, I am so very very thankful that we are three. That we get to share so many smiles, so many giggles, and so so much love.

And now, with Monday approaching (even with a FOUR-DAY weekend, Mondays come fast), here's to hoping, after a CRAZY couple of weeks with work, that in December, I am able to find some of the ever-elusive-possibly-non-existent "balance" we working moms like to chase. Here's to that.

Here's to my sweet Bean.

Here's to being THREE.

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