Then, two days later, we flew to Texas to meet B after his conference and spend some time with friends. Sammie B was an ANGEL on the plane. And, I had a blast -- I had three hours to just sit and play with her . . . no work to worry about, no laundry, nothing but time with Sammie B. So, we played for two hours, then she slept (it wasn't sold out, so we also SCORED a whole row to ourselves!)

We were stoked to get to Texas and see B (we missed him!) and to spend time with friends. Both B and I have old friends in Texas, so it was FABULOUS to see them! Highlights of the trip included a day at the Fort Worth Zoo, and a tour of the insane new Cowboys stadium, where Sammie B did her super cool "cobra" move in the endzone.
In other great news, Sammie B is doing fabulous in PT and OT. She's sitting like a champ, leaning, reaching, pushing up into the cobra position, and just generally showing signs that she's getting stronger. Sometimes I lose sight of the progress, but then I look at a picture like this:
And I remember when THIS felt impossible. I literally have this picture etched in my memory - of the moment I realized she was sitting there, just playing, totally stable, and I felt confident enough that she wouldn't topple over that I went and got the camera . . . and she was still sitting when I get back. When I start to feel like we are in one of the "plateaus" that are a normal part of child development, but especially tough for me, I just picture this, and I remember, . . . all things are possible!
And, now a final few pictures just for cuteness sake . . . Bean playing with her Dude. Has there ever been a sweeter, happier girl?
This little Bean never ceases to melt my heart.
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