With the events of last week, his birthday sort of snuck up on me. (Good thing I'm on maternity leave and had the day to run errands!). So, this morning, I asked Sammie B, "what would you like me to buy for you to give Dada for his birthday today?" She promptly answered "strawberries." So, while she was at school, I ran and got strawberries, some birthday cards, and cupcakes (he's buying an I-Phone as his big birthday gift). And, when B got home, we had a quick birthday celebration before he had to run out to meeting.
The memories of this night will make me smile for a long time. Sam handed him her gift, then promptly took it back and started opening it herself. Once the strawberries were out, she handed him the package and said, "OPEN!" and then grabbed one and started eating. Who was this gift for?!!! Funnnnny lady!
Since this was also my first night solo with both kiddos, I let Sammie B have a cupcake and strawberries for dinner. There goes my mom of the year award ;o)
Mr. B, I'm so lucky to share these moments -- these magical, wonderful moments of giggles, smiles, and love -- with you and our girls. So, so lucky. I love you.
Happy birthday to you!
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