Anyway, when I travel for work, unlike many of my single or childless colleagues, I rarely get out and see the cities I'm in. I always figure, if I have to be away from Sammie B and Mr. B, I might as well "make it count" and just work, work, work. That way, I can take a breather when I'm home, and have the opportunity to do what I want to do most -- hang with my two favorite people. So, I work much, sleep little, and just bide my time till I get to go home to them! (As an upside though, remember Joe? Well, his mom and I are meeting for dinner, along with another DD mama so I'm going to venture out one time on this little business trip!) I'm super excited to see Lia again and to meet a new friend as well!
In the meantime, in between work work and more work, I keep going through the pictures of my sweet girl in my phone . . . thinking about her magical smile, her magical personality, and all the fabulous things she is doing these days. And I remind myself -- it is the "minute simple moments" (as my dear friend H says) -- the everyday moments - that define our Sammie B and our family. Not the evaluations or the anger or the worry. Those are just distractions. The real stuff is in the everyday moments of reading stories, taking naps, smiling, giggling, hugging and whispering new words. The fabulous everyday moments.
I literally ache for her when I'm away from her -- which is probably the part of my journey in motherhood that has surprised me the most -- that it is possible to love someone so much that your heart HURTS when you are away from them.
After my last post about how I've been feeling so angry, I finally poured my heart out to B a little too. Said the things I haven't been able to say out loud. That I'm mad. That I sobbed on his shoulder. He let me. And I told him . . . that no matter how angry I am (at the universe), I look at my sweet girl, and the anger dissipates. And that there's no one else in the world other than him that I'd rather be on this journey with. That our little family of three is what makes me feel complete and whole.
Just as Max's mom promised it would, Sammie B's magical little smile really does heal me, every single day.
Sweet Bee . . . you heal me. You are magic. Magically wonderfully amazingly you.
And now for some pictures of the magical little Bee, and the everyday moments that melt me.
These moments are what I live for.
She really is magical. :)
Wow. I drop by your blog from time to time because Sammie is so cute and I like the positive yet realistic attitude of your posts. I just realized reading this post that I work for the same firm as you, and actually just met you this morning. Crazy big law world. Good luck getting everything finished!
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