Tonight is the night. Or so B says. I'm not ready, but I don't think I'll ever be. All of my excuses are over (the rails are finally on, the mattress pad came, etc. etc.)
So, it is time. We will (attempt) for the Bee to go from sleeping like this:

to sleeping in her very own big girl bed.
She loves her bed. When we go in her room, she smiles and gets excited, and when I ask her whose bed it is, she pats her chest and says "my" for "mine." We've napped in it a few times and when I ask her if she wants to sleep in her bed, the answer is always "yeah." But, I'm not so sure she'll dig it as much when she realizes the big girl bed is for her alone.
This transition is without-a-doubt worthy of a much longer post, but I'm at work (on a Sunday, though I'm not complaining . . . as I've said, work has been slow and steady for months - I literally haven't worked all day on a weekend in so long, the work is interesting, challenging and exciting, and Bean is home spending a day with her dada), so the longer post will have to wait.
But as I sit here, working, I can't help but think about how nice it has been to share our bed with this little bee for the last year, how nice its been to feel her snuggling up to me in the middle of the night, and even how nice its been to (sometimes) wake up like this:

. . . and I'm wondering, "Can I do this?" Am I READY for this?
(PS - I'm so very proud of myself for finding this bedding, which is PERFECT bedding for our Bee! Here's a better detail shot, and since the above-picture was taken, we've also gotten really cute bee wall decals and a bee throw-pillow)
(PPS - No, I don't smile while I sleep . . . I was fake sleeping in these pictures. You know, for dramatic effect. But Sammie B was real sleeping. I was just trying to capture the moments :o))
we are thinking about transitioning P into a big boy bed too. where did you get rails? Sammie is talking so much! Proud of that girl and never even met her!
I'm sure that everything will go well - and if not tonight, then very soon - but the best of luck in any case. Just so you can call us ANY time of the night if you need some support (the phone is next to Ellen in any event. LOL!)
Love you all!
Awe, good luck! I need to transition Luke to his crib (he's in the bassinet in our room), and I am having a very hard time. I'm really going to miss him. You can still enjoy your snuggles with nap time with Sam. When Andrew takes a nap (it's rare), we take one together. I love it. Hope Sammie does well (and you too)!
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