Here I am crossing the finish line with THE Sammie B!

(Our shirts said "I am walking for the girl in lavender glasses")
And, here was the Cleveland Chapter of Team Sammie B walking the Cleveland walk :o) Nana and Papa!

After the walk in LA, we had "Team Sammie B" back to our place for brunch, then cleared that party out and hosted a Bris for our friends' new baby. And Sunday we went to meet yet another friend's new baby!!! Sort of a hectic and chaotic weekend, but so nice to spend so much of it with such fabulous friends. I'm paying the price for it now . . . likely will be up working much of the night, but well worth the great family/friend time.
In other (quick) news, Sam's Early Intervention services from the RC are changing . . . because of the state budget cuts to EI services, they are kicking people out with private insurance . . . even though NONE of the PTs covered by our insurance see toddlers with developmental delays (they are all PTs that treat people post injury, or only treat adults). I was freaking out at first, but we think we have a good case for an appeal (which I already have started drafting) and we've found a new OT that takes our insurance that we also happen to know and love (our nanny's best friend) so though I've been stressed, things are falling into place, and they seem to be happening in a very "this must be meant to be" kind of way. And, though I don't always deal well with change, I'm trying to remember that every now and then, a little change is a good thing! So a new therapist with some fresh perspectives, new ideas, . . . we are very optimistic that things WILL work out.
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