Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Four Year Old

She used to look like this . . .

And then I blinked . . . and she was one. 

I blinked again . . . and she was two.

And again . . . and she was three.

And suddenly, she's four.  Four. 

My dear, sweet Sammie B,

How is it possible that you get more amazing every day?  At four, you are just that . . . amazing.   I've thought all week about how I can possibly convey with words who you are at four, how much I love you, what you add to my life, or how blessed I feel to be your mama, and well, there just aren't words big enough for your magic.   Your smile.  Your giggle.  Your hugs.  The way you wrap your entire body around me when I lift you out of bed in the morning.  The way you suddenly lean in and kiss me, or say "I love you, mama."  The way you say "hello Mia Mia!" with such glee to your sister, the way you (occasionally) hug her and the two of you smile at each other.  The way your dada can get you laughing hysterically. 

Everything about you is Magic.  

At four, your four, you are pure magic.  Princesses.  Puppet shows.  Imagination.  Questions.  Opinions.  (So many opinions!).  

There are no words, my girl.  You are you.  Perfectly you.  Amazing, wonderful, fabulous you, and I am so, so lucky to be your mama. 

Happy fourth birthday, Sammie B.  You make my heart so, so happy and proud. 

You make my world go 'round.

- Your ever loving mama


Lia said...

Happy birthday, Sweet Sammie B! Such a grown-up, good-lookin' girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sammie B - the most magical bunch of awesome-ness this universe has created!!! We sit here eager to hear all of your stories and your wit. Your life has given your family the greatest of gifts!

Have a wonderful 4th year.

Sky and her mommy