I NEVER fly by the seat of my pants. I'm a planning type of girl. Not spontaneous at all. But this weekend, B and I both needed to do a ton of work, so we made a deal -- I got a Super Sammie Day on Saturday while he worked, and he got the same on Sunday while I worked. (I'd hoped to finish in time for us to go to a local outdoor concert, but that didn't happen . . .). I know, how 21st Century parenting of us . . . splitting up the weekend to work (boo). We even made the negotiations via blackberry ;o) Anyway, although we both would have preferred family time, we take what we can get, so each of us made the most of our Sammie days while the other worked.
For my Sammie Saturday, I planned to just stay home and play and work with her all day, but after breakfast, decided to walk to the park to look at boats. I took a blanket and toys, and figured Sammie B and I would do her "work" there. Then, as we were walking around the park, and I was showing her boats (and after she tried to say "boat" -- "bo"), and she was enjoying them so much, I saw the water taxi, and decided we'd jump on. I happened to have enough cash, and I'd never been. I figured if she hated it, we'd hop off at the next stop and walk home. Well, she LOVED it, so we road to all the stops -- we were on for about 45 minutes. She stood the entire time, just looking over. We both had a blast! I also taught her the sign for boat, and she was doing it all night . . . We gave her a toy boat we have at home, and we looked back over at her, and she was just holding it, signing "boat." It was truly a perfect Saturday. Sunday was less perfect (I get super bummed when B and Sammie B are playing while I'm working . . . a life-long problem, I can't STAND to miss a party!), but a good weekend!
It was so fun having a "first" with Sammie on Saturday, and experiencing this short little $1 boat ride through her eyes. I even got a picture of both of us, even though I was make-up-less and messy-haired!!! As silly as it sounds, I talked about it the rest of the day, telling B how nice it was (and how much I surprised myself) by doing something so spontaneous and fun for the little Bean!
We can't wait to go again!
[Oh, and for B's Sammie Sunday, they went swimming . . . I could hear her shrieking with joy from the pool as I sat in our home office and worked . . . adding to my "hate to miss a party" problem but happy for B that he was having such a blast with our Bean.]
1 comment:
Allison, you and Brian are amazing parents! I can't imagine facing all the challenges you guys do with Sammie but you are so impressive. She is so blessed to have such great parents as I know you feel so blessed to have her! I really enjoy hearing how well she is progressing!
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